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Lost Emirates ID – What To Do If You Have Lost Your Emirates ID

Lost Emirates ID - What To Do If You Have Lost Your Emirates ID

The Emirates ID is a compulsory identification document for residents of the UAE, granting them access to various government services. The UAE ICP has established an efficient system to facilitate the swift acquisition of a replacement Emirates ID in case you lose your current one. 

Lost Emirates ID Report Online

Losing your Emirates ID requires you to file an official report. Visit the nearest ICP Customer Happiness Centre to report the lost Emirates ID. As a result, the authorities will be able to deactivate your card immediately, reducing the risk of any fraudulent activity under your identity.

Verify your identity when reporting the incident by bringing the following identification documents:

  1. UAE nationals: Original valid passport and family book.
  2. GCC nationals: Document confirming UAE residency.
  3. Expatriate residents: Original passport with a valid residency permit stamp.
  4. Lost ID for a child under 15: The parent must provide the child’s original birth certificate and a colored passport photo with a white background.

If your Emirates ID has been damaged, you can follow the same steps. When reporting it, make sure to carry the card with you.

Lost Emirates ID Replacement

Your Emirates ID can be replaced after you file a report for your lost ID. You can file a replacement either at the ICP Customer Happiness Center or via the Smart App or website. 

It is important to note that the new ID card will have the same expiration date as the lost or damaged one.

Documents Required

To replace a lost or damaged Emirates ID, the following documents are required:

For UAE nationals

  • ID card data or a copy of the ID card
  • Personal photograph (4.5 x 3.5 cm) on a white background (for those under 15 years of age, seniors, and people with disabilities who cannot reach service centers).
  • Children under 15 need original birth certificates
  • Passport or Emirates ID card (less than 15 years old)
  • A social security certificate certified by the Ministry of Community Development (for social security beneficiaries)
  • The Ministry of Health or health authorities in the Emirates must issue a valid medical report for people with disabilities or senior citizens in order to exempt them from the issuance and delay fees.

It is necessary for the individual representing the applicant to have the original agency certificate if the applicant is absent and the application is submitted by a third party. In addition, the original passport of the owner of the lost identity card must be presented.

For GCC nationals

  • ID card data or a copy of the ID card
  • Valid passport in original
  • A valid Gulf ID for those over 21 years old or one of their parents for those under 21 years old
  • For people under 15 years of age, the elderly, and people of determination whose health condition prevents them from accessing service centers, a personal photo (4.5 x 3.5 cm) with a white background is required
  • For those younger than 15 years old, an original birth certificate is required
  • Passport or Emirates ID card (less than 15 years old) of a parent
  • A valid medical report issued by the Ministry of Health or health authorities in the UAE exempting people of determination or the elderly from ID card fees
  • If the customer did not attend and a third party submitted the application on his or her behalf, the original agency certificate must be provided. The lost identity card owner must bring the original passport
  • For heads and members of diplomatic and consular missions and international organizations located inside the country, the original diplomatic/consular card/membership card of international organizations will be exempt from identity card fees.

The lost, damaged card must be renewed or issued with proof of residence in the country.

For UAE residents/expats

  • Data or a copy of the ID card
  • A valid passport in its original form
  • Issuance of the original residence permit
  • A personal photo (4.5 x 3.5 cm) with a white background is required for children under 15 years of age, the elderly, and people with disabilities whose health prevents them from accessing service centers.
  • For those under 15 years of age, the original birth certificate
  • Passport or Emirates ID card (less than 15 years old) of a parent
  • For the category of heads and members of diplomatic and consular missions and international organizations located inside the country who will be exempt from fees for issuing identity cards, the diplomatic/consular card/membership card of the organization;
  • The Ministry of Health or the UAE health authorities can issue a medical report exempting people with disabilities or the elderly from the ID card fees.

It is necessary for the individual representing the applicant to have the original agency certificate if the applicant is absent and the application is submitted by a third party. A lost identity card’s owner must also present his or her original passport.

Lost Emirates ID Processing Time

An Emirates ID card is typically issued 48 hours after the replacement application is submitted. In contrast, those who choose the express service will receive their ID card within 24 hours of submitting the new application.

Lost Emirates ID Fees

Applicants who wish to replace a lost or damaged ID must pay AED 300, along with AED 70 in application fees when applying through typing centers or AED 40 through the ICA website’s eForm.

All individuals, including UAE nationals, GCC nationals, and expatriates, must pay the fee. Additionally, an express ID replacement service is available at ICA main Customer Happiness Centre for AED 150.

Lost Emirates ID Dubai Police

Report the incident to the police and then submit a report to the ICA, the Federal Authority of Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security. If you report a damaged, stolen or lost Emirates ID in Dubai, it will be blocked immediately to prevent misuse.

Lost Emirates ID Outside UAE

If you lose your Emirates ID outside the UAE, you should immediately visit the UAE Embassy in that region and register your complaint. When you return to the UAE, you can apply for a new card online using the previously described procedure or visit the official typing centers.

Lost Emirates ID Fine 

Replacement of a lost or damaged ID Fine AED 300, in addition to application fees of AED 70 if applied through typing centres, or AED 40 if applied through the eForm on the ICA website. UAE nationals, GCC nationals, and expatriates are subject to these fees.

Collect Your New Card

The ICA will send you an SMS once you have applied for a replacement ID card. Emirates IDs are issued within two working days. To inquire about your new Emirates ID card, contact Emirates Post after receiving an SMS notification from ICA. The customer service number is 600-599-999.

Lost Emirates ID What To Do

Report the incident to the nearest ICP Customer Happiness Centre so the card can be deactivated right away. If you don’t have an ID, ask ICP for a copy of the lost ID. Bring the old card if your card is damaged.

FAQs Emirates ID 

How can I find my Emirates ID online?

In order to get an e-version of your Emirates ID card via the ICP mobile app, you must sign into the UAEICP app with your UAE Pass account. Choose Emirates ID. View your ID by selecting your name.

Can Emirates ID be Cancelled?

In case of eventual departure from the UAE, the cancellation will be made. For the original card to be deleted from the system, it must be returned to the Diplomats Affairs Department.

How can I replace my lost ID in Dubai?

Reporting to the relevant authority: Report your lost ID to the nearest ICA customer happiness center. You can deactivate your card immediately if you show a valid identity confirmation. It is also possible to obtain an old Emirates ID.

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