Dubai Salik Violators Face a Maximum Dh10,000 Fine Yearly Under Updated Toll Terms. Dubai, UAE: The toll gate system operator Salik has implemented new regulations that set a maximum annual fine limit of Dh10,000 per vehicle for violations. These updated terms are effective for the calendar year, running from January 1 to December 31.
Dubai Salik Violators Face a Maximum Dh10,000 Fine Yearly Under Updated Toll Terms
- Maximum Fine Cap: The total fines imposed on a vehicle for toll violations will not exceed Dh10,000 in any calendar year. This cap provides a clear upper limit for fines, ensuring that penalties remain within a reasonable range.
- Violation Disputes: Motorists can contest a toll violation if it appears in their traffic file within 13 months from the violation’s issuance date. This timeframe offers drivers a reasonable period to address and resolve any disputes.
- Refund Policy: The new regulations clarify that no refunds or transfers of account balances will be permitted from one Salik account to another. This means that once funds are loaded into an account, they cannot be withdrawn or reallocated.
Expansion and New Installations
As part of its expansion, Salik introduced new toll gates at the Dubai Mall on July 1, under a five-year agreement. The parking rates at these gates range from Dh20 per hour to Dh1,000 for a full 24-hour period. This move marks a significant expansion of Salik’s services within Dubai, enhancing the reach and convenience of its toll system.
Responsibilities and Customer Service
Salik is tasked with designing, financing, developing, installing, and managing the toll collection system, while the Dubai Mall is responsible for providing local infrastructure, office space, and maintaining the car park. The system has seen substantial adoption, with over 4.1 million vehicles registered as active users.
Customers are encouraged to report any defective Salik tags within 90 days of discovering the issue. The company offers free replacement of defective tags once the problem is verified. In cases where a vehicle or license plate is lost or stolen, it is crucial to immediately notify Salik through official channels. Until such notification is received, any toll charges, fines, or penalties incurred will continue to be deducted from the user’s account.
Additionally, accounts that show no toll activity, payments, or balance recharges for five years will be deemed inactive, and any remaining balance will be forfeited. This measure emphasizes the importance of maintaining active account management and timely updates of account information.
The updated terms and conditions set by Salik aim to provide clarity and fairness in the management of toll violations, while also expanding the system’s infrastructure and services. Motorists are advised to stay informed about these changes and ensure compliance to avoid unnecessary fines and penalties.